There are plenty of patriotic shirt brands out there. Many of them have awesome designs. Some of them even have a good message. But the one thing few of them have is God first, Country second. Many of our founding fathers held these truths in their life. Many Christians today hold these same truths as part of their core beliefs. Does that mean the founders were perfect Christians? No. Not at all. They weren’t perfect people at all. No one is. But the majority of them did believe that when it came to the creation of our nation that God must come first and country second. Many of them believe that without God first, nothing would be successful, nothing would last. These are the same truths that we wanted to convey in the Revolution 76 line of shirts.
These shirts spotlight some of these things most people don’t know about our founders, about our nation, and about the truths that many of them believed as sacred to the creation of our nation. When you wear these shirts, you’re not only wearing some cool threads, you’re sharing a message that many people don’t know.
Yes, our nation does not have a perfect history. No nation does. But the ideals this nation was founded upon are greatest thoughts and beliefs any nation have used to come into existence. We worship God and we celebrate the nation. In that order.
Say hello to REVOLUtION 76.