What's going on here at Xtian Designs? We'd love to show you. Stay tuned to the blog for product updates, the story behind the designs, as well as other awesome things going on here at Xtian Designs.
Introducing Fearless Fyghter
Today we are proud to introduce the newest imprint of Xtian Designs – Fearless Fyghter. This line of shirts features designs for those who have invested their time in training to become the warrior God has called them to be. For those who train in Karate, Taekwondo, Judo, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, MMA, or any[Read More]
Introducing REVOLUtION 76
There are plenty of patriotic shirt brands out there. Many of them have awesome designs. Some of them even have a good message. But the one thing few of them have is God first, Country second. Many of our founding fathers held these truths in their life. Many Christians today hold these same truths as[Read More]
BTS: Jesus Is The Cure
We have a new shirt out – Jesus Is The Cure. Though a simplistic design, the truth behind it is much more…well, no so simplistic. Sin has destroyed so much that God originally intended – no fear, no disease, no death, no separation from Him. But praise God that He had a plan. The Bible[Read More]
New Shirt: Sinless
So we have a new shirt up. The world likes to brag about all the junk they do and get in to. Years ago Affliction was a huge shirt company and they even had a line for women called “Sinful.” Why in the world would you want to declare that about yourself? For the world,[Read More]
What Is This Blog?
Many sites have blogs to tell you great things, like this in-depth revelation that they got. That’s great. Some people go to church for those as well. Seriously, you should be going to church. But this blog is not for that. The majority of the messages and revelations and teachings that you’ll find on this[Read More]